You must be willing to be online ~15 minutes prior to raid invites and be prepared BEFORE raid start time.
If you are unsure what being prepared means, don't bother applying to our guild.
If you can't handle constructive criticism, and by this I do NOT mean yelling, please look elsewhere.
If you aren't willing to drop your PVP farming and Arena games at raid start time, please look for a PVP guild.
Please copy the form and paste this and add the information.
An Officer will contact you regarding your application as soon as possible.
� In-Game-Name/Character: herropreeze
� armory page:
� Raiding Spec: diseaseless blood 51/0/20
� Alts (70+ only): 70 huntard
� What Add-ons do you use when you raid? omen dbm
� Do you have Vent w/mic? ya
Time zone: central
Days Played: 21
Pre-TBC: none
TBC: ssc / tk
WOTLK: naxx maly sarth
Please give a brief list of your former guilds, with the reason why you left each: goon - guild is disbanding
Have you read about and do you agree to our Guild Policies? ya
Can you make all 3 raids a week? (Please note, we raid Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (7:00 pm to 10:30 pm) sure can
Why do you want to Raid with GTFO? i want to raid with a good guild
Why would you be a good addition to the team? im geared and have good dps
Is there anything else you might want to add that makes you stand above the rest?
If we tell you your spec is awful, are you willing to respec? if im low on dps. then yes
PERSONAL (optional)
� IRL Name: kevin
� Age: 22
� Current Occupation: supervisor at a waterpark and student in flight school
� IRL or In-Game friends in GTFO wazdaka is an old rl friend of mine
Anything else you would like to add?