� In-Game-Name/Character:Tocksick (may change when i transfer)
� Link your armory page
� Raiding Spec:51/13/7
� Alts (70+ only):none
� What Add-ons do you use when you raid?magic runes,Omen,Recount
� Do you have Vent w/mic?yes
Time zone:PST
Days Played:20 days on my Deathknight 106 days on my old main
WOTLK:naxx10(full clear)naxx25(all but thad sapph and KT)
Please give a brief list of your former guilds, with the reason why you left each:War for Territory (Durotan) i left this guild because they hadnt progressed as much as they told me they had and i transferred with a RL friend to Uldum.
Starfish Lovesong(Uldum) i took a break from wow so i left.
Coffee Beans(Uldum) i didn't like the guild and their leadership was very bad.
Have you read about and do you agree to our Guild Policies?yes
Can you make at least 3 raids a week? (Please note, we raid Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (7:00 pm to 10:30 pm)yes
Why do you want to Raid with GTFO?you guys seem like the progressed guild im looking for,you also have exactly the raid times i need.
Why would you be a good addition to the team?i bring good dps to raids as well as many buffs for the benifit to the raid.
Is there anything else you might want to add that makes you stand above the rest?I am a friendly mature person who can take jokes,critism,and tips.
If we tell you your spec is awful, are you willing to respec?yes
PERSONAL (optional)
� IRL Name:Gunther
� Age:15
� Current Occupation:School
� IRL or In-Game friends in GTFO:None
Anything else you would like to add?I know you said you would prefer 18+ but i am a mature person.Every guild i have been in has been full of adults. If you want references talk to Deathsmage(Durotan) or Aegien(uldum) Both are guild leaders and are active.