Hey, I'm Joey, but on World of Warcraft my character's name is Crithappenz. I'm an 80 Death Knight, and i have some pretty decent gear. I'll let you decide that for yourself, but here's my application.
Character Name: Crithappenz
My Armory Page:
Raiding Spec: 45/0/26, Obviously dps.
Alts: 73 Blood Elf Hunter, Name: Maroyex
Raiding Addons: Deadly Boss Mods, Omen, OmniCC, Natur Combat, Recount, and more.
Vent Y/N: Yes, I do have vent
-Raid Information-
Time Zone: I'm on server time.
Days Played: On Crithappenz, 6 Days, 6 hours, 57 minutes, 22 seconds
Pre-TBC: I did not play TBC
TBC: On my hunter i did Karazhan, Zulaman, Gruul's Lair, and Magthierdon's Lair
WotLK: I have done a few bosses in Naxxramas, and I do know the fights.
Former Guilds: I was in the guild LastStand, and I left them when WotLK came out because i was aiming higher, I liked the guild but i really wanted a guild that would/could use my full potential. ... I left Blight because i did not feel that the guild would do much for me, raiding wise. They pretty much only had 25 certain people that did all their raids, and unless one of them left, no one else seemed to get into the raid. From my perspective. Eternal Bloodline was my most recent guild, and the reason i left them is because they had many low levels and it kind of seemed like they weren't too great of a raiding guild. (Both LastStand and Eternal Bloodline have special characters above the letters.)
I have read, and I do agree with the Guild Policies.
Yes, i can make and participate in 3 raids per week, and those raiding times are perfect.
I would like to raid with Raid or GTFO because you guys seem to have some really well geared, and good raiders. I really think that with you guys, i could really become a better player.
I think that i would be a good addition to the team because I am a funny person, i can take jokes, and i really dont mind most things that bother other people. I know the fights, and i can help out other people, i really dont mind helping people out.
I'm a fun person to be with, and most of the guilds i got into, really liked me as a person, and a raider. Though i didn't really get a chance with my other guilds, i really think that i will do great with you guys. I'll give it 110% to get the job done. I'll stay up later, I'll finish up raids, i'll do whatever.
I am willing to respec, i'm willing to try new specs and everything.
IRL Name: Colin
Age: 18
Current Occupation: N/A
Friends in GTFO: None
It'd be great to get into the guild, but if not, It's alright. I've had my eye on Raid or GTFO for a while now, but pre-WotLK i haven't had the best of luck in raids and heroics, so my hunters gear was awful, so i doubt you would've accepted him to guild. But now that i've had a bit more luck, i think that i can really go somewhere with you guys. I hope that i get in, and i'll be waiting for an answer on WoW, or just e-mail me or send me in game mail. Thanks, and have a great day/night.